After the school held a series of elections and runoffs throughout the past month, freshmen, sophomores and juniors selected the Prefect Council for the 2021-2022 school year.
For Head Prefects, students chose Chronicle Assistant Features Editor Quincey Dern ’22 and Jade Stanford ’22, and for Senior Prefects, juniors selected Jack Coleman ’22, Joy Ho ’22, Hailey Hubbard ’22 and Jason Thompson ’22. Sophomores elected Yoshimi Kimura ’23, Simon Lee ’23, Aiko Offner ’23 and Chronicle Staff Writer Harry Tarses ’23 as Junior Prefects, and freshmen chose Glory Ho ’24, Davis Marks ’24, Dillon Ring ’24 and Nyla Shelton ’24 as Sophomore Prefects.
Following the elections, elected candidates share their plans for the coming year
Glory Ho said she is looking forward to a new start at the Upper School and eagerly awaits the opportunities that lie ahead on Prefect Council.
“I’m feeling incredibly thrilled, especially because it’ll be our first year back in person and I’ll be able to serve with my sister on Prefect Council too,” Glory Ho said. “I think everyone is looking forward to a new school year, knowing the challenges we’ve faced and how much we’ve had to adjust during this [year].”
Reflecting on his reelection win in the May 10 runoffs, Lee said he hopes to provide a sense of stability through his elected role.
“If there’s anything we’ve learned this year, it’s that things can change at any moment, but I’m truly excited to make the 2021-2022 school year the best it can be,” Lee said. “I’m super excited to transition towards a more traditional Prefect Council experience so that we can continue to meet the needs of the student body.”
When asked about her plans for the future, Glory Ho said she hopes to make it easier for her classmates to get acclimated to an unfamiliar environment in the fall.
“Most of my plans are centered around the hopes of making the transition back smoother by providing our grades with more ways to connect,” Glory Ho said. “Of course, I don’t know all that much about the inner workings of Prefect Council yet, which is another huge part of why I’m so excited to serve.”
Amanda Korris ’22, who voted in the Head and Senior Prefect elections, said she is pleased with the results and enthusiastic about the future of Prefect Council.
“I’m really excited about our incoming Prefects,” Korris said. “It’s so important to have a strong link between the student body and the administration to make our school community more cohesive, and I can’t wait to see what our Prefects do next.”