An early morning earthquake centered in Malibu shook parts of the San Fernando Valley, including Studio City and the school's campus.
Studio City residents experienced a magnitude 4.7 earthquake at 7:28 am Thursday morning. The earthquake was centered in Malibu, but shakes were felt up to 60 miles away from the epicenter, according to ABC7 news.
Raquel Moradi ’26, who lives in Beverly Hills and was asleep when the earthquake struck, said she initially didn’t recognize the earthquake alarm when it went off on her phone.
“It was 7:30 a.m. and I’m trying to peacefully sleep in my bed, and all of a sudden I feel everything start trembling and I start panicking, and my phone starts beeping like crazy,” Moradi said. “I realized that’s not my normal alarm, and realized there was an earthquake.”
Upper School Honors Geology Teacher Nancy Chen said most residents are misinformed on proper earthquake safety and preparation, despite California being prone to earthquakes.
“[For example], one of the most common misconceptions [about earthquake safety] is to stand in the doorway,” Chen said. “However, doors kind of swing back and forth, so if the ground is moving, you’re just gonna get smacked with the door. The first thing you should do is drop, cover, and protect yourself.”
Maggie Koo ’26, who lives in Studio City said because of the frequency of earthquakes in Los Angeles, they no longer feel surprising or worrying.
“As someone who has been through a lot of earthquakes in California, I may not have reacted as strongly as someone who doesn’t experience earthquakes as much,” Koo said. “I feel like in California, so we’re just used to it. Even though it’s not great that we’re desensitized to it, [earthquakes] are just like a fact of life based on where we live.”