Connor Reese '17 discusses his HW Go! film with faculty members who attended the screening. Credit: Saba Nia/Chronicle
After traveling to Korea last summer, Chronicle sports online editor Connor Reese ’17 screened his HW Go!-sponsored film Jan. 26 illustrating the life and achievements of his great-grandfather, Chu Yohan.
With funds granted by the Asian Initiative Fellowship, Reese spent 10 days in and around Seoul conducting interviews and primary research, followed by two and a half months of editing and translating his film. As of press time, the unlisted YouTube video is spreading by word of mouth, but Reese hopes to present his film at festivals or to Korean groups in the community.
Learning about Yohan, who promoted Korean nationalism through his poetry, resisted Japanese occupation of Korea and served in the Korean government, inspired Reese to become more interested in the personal aspects of foreign policy as well as in his heritage.
“I think this really exposed me to the fact that you should really learn and understand your roots, and that it helps you be more grounded and understand what people sacrificed and what they did to get you to where you are,” Reese said.