Chaplain J. Young poses with a group of children during the Special Olympics event in Dec. 2016. Young has worked as the Chaplain for the Upper School for the past 21 years. Credit: Pavan Tauh/Chronicle
After 21 years of working at the school, Chaplain J. Young will retire to travel and assume the position of Chaplain for the Los Angeles FBI.
Young has always worked as a chaplain, but he also assisted with the Honor Board, Community Council and Prefect Council during his time at the school.
Young has been a priest for 30 years. He said that he hopes he will be remembered as trustworthy and reliable at the school.
“He has been an ethical presence and a person students and faculty alike have looked to in times of trouble or sadness for spiritual solace,” President Rick Commons said. “Even in good times, he is a person who by his very presence reminds us of what’s important.”
His impact on the community was mostly seen in his relationships with the students and dedication to helping guide families in crisis, Young said.
“He is one of the most caring teachers I’ve ever had,” Caroline Cook ’19 said. “He makes me feel confident and safe, and he has taught me so much about leadership and how to be a decent human being.”
Head of Upper School Laura Ross will lead the search for his replacement, who will hold the position of Director of Ethics, Leadership and Service. Ross hopes to find somebody who can help shape the new position, Commons said.