Printed with permission of Maya Doyle
The front page of the Stone-Cutters Winter was released this week, featuring 16 student works spanning six artistic mediums.
The HW Stone-Cutters released their Winter Tabloid this week, featuring 16 student works spanning six artistic mediums. The 24-student team has accepted and refined submissions since November and celebrated their publication with a Zoom open mic.
The group met weekly to discuss their plans, record notes, promoting and evaluating pieces and eventually entered the layout process.
Poetry explores mental health
Poet and junior staff member Izzy Welsh ’22 submitted her piece to the magazine, looking to reflect on her psyche.
“I wanted to articulate how the pandemic, specifically online school, has impacted my mental health,” Welsh said.
“It is incredibly difficult still being at home, and I really miss the sense of community that comes with attending school in person. It was this feeling of mourning that led to the composition of ‘Lovesick Sarcophagus.’”
‘Lovesick Sarcophagus’ is one of five poems featured, alongside five paintings, two works of digital art, one short story, one photograph, one ceramic piece and a metal and resin sculpture. Six of these pieces were submitted by staff members themselves, and ten were from those outside of the program.
Contributors learn writing skills and creativity
As a Stone-Cutters contributor and staffer, Anika Iyer ‘23 experienced both sides of the club’s work. Iyer’s piece, Moth – A Set of Delusions Masquerading as Poetry, fills two pages with non-linear poetry.
“I’ve really enjoyed working on Stone-Cutters this year,” Iyer said. “Submitting my piece and having other people actually see my poetry is such a different experience, and it’s been really nice knowing that people actually enjoy my work. Additionally, I love having the chance to read and offer feedback on other pieces— it helps me develop my own writing skills, and it’s really inspiring to see the depth of creativity present in our community.”