Juliet Suess/Spectrum
The first of the four 80-page sections were given to students at an on-campus drive-thru Jan. 23.
Volume 30 of Vox Populi, the school’s student-run yearbook, will consist of four separate books, each correlated to one school quarter. The first of the four 80-page sections were given to students at an on-campus drive-thru Jan. 23.
Vox Populi Editor-in-Chief Kacey Kim ’21 said that dividing the yearbook provided flexibility to adjust to an unpredictable year.
“We wanted to create a book that will record accurately what is happening both in the Harvard-Westlake community and in the world around us,” Kim said. “Students can expect to see spreads on more current events like the election, the pandemic and the ongoing movement for racial justice in our country.”
Kim said she believes the new format is appropriate given the current circumstances in the school community and country.
“Our book is more in the moment than ever,” Kim said. “It feels like we are creating a live book instead of one just full of memories.”
Books distributed on-campus
Vox Populi Editor-in-Chief Hayley Rothbart ’21 said the on-campus drive-thru worked efficiently and distributed between 600 and 800 books.
“We really wanted students to get some good news early in the year,” Rothbart said. “Our theme is Changemakers because there is so much changing in our world. The community is adapting to change even as we students make changes ourselves. We decided if we publish early and often, we can spread that message.”
Neha Tummala ’23 said she enjoyed the yearbook’s focus on current events.
“My favorite part was definitely the feature on the [Black Lives Matter] movement,” Tummala said. “I loved reading and learning about student activism. It gives me so much hope to see our community come together and fight against racial injustice.”
This year’s volumes will fit into a slip case, Communications Teacher Jen Bladen said. Each book will include cumulative page numbers and an index so that each volume adds to the entire set. Faculty portraits will be included in the second book, while portraits of seventh through eleventh graders will be in the third book. The final book will contain portraits of seniors in their caps and gowns.
Distribution of volume two will take place at the Upper School March 20, and Bladen said shipping is available for those living out-of-state or more than 120 miles from school. Students that elected to receive yearbooks on their school contract will be charged $99 on the March 2021 statement.
As the yearbook staff prepares to create the next volumes, Kim stressed student participation.
“Students, please help us out in getting content by responding to our emails, taking our surveys and overall just sharing content with us,” Kim said. “This is your book; help us make it.”