Improve Your Score
Our students show improvements on both the SAT and on the ACT.
Our students show improvements on both the SAT and on the ACT.
Students receiving academic tutoring can increase their understanding of the material.
It’s not just about grades, but the level of understanding and accomplishment.
An excellent score on the SAT/ACT score will help with scholarships and admission letters. Work with us from diagnostic tests to score improvement retakes. Extensive experience with PSAT and SAT Subject tests.
Learn good test-taking strategies for these entrance exams. Set yourself up for success by earning admission to elementary, middle, and high school.
Work with our experienced and patient tutors to build confidence and find the fun in learning. We have achieved outstanding results from fundamentals through honors and AP.
Enjoy the same excellent tutoring experience on our online live one-on-one HD platform. Great for students with busy schedules.
Ask about our team of specialists who focus on
specific strategies for improving executive functioning, time management,
organization, academic performance, and test-taking skills.
“The AP Physics session went really well! It helped a ton. Thank you!”
“She has received her test scores and we are pleased with her results! Her old scores were 690 on both sections. Very happy to report her new scores are: 760 English 730 Math. Thank you for the services you provided, it was definitely beneficial.”
“I wanted to let you know about the ACT tutor this weekend — said he thought he was the best tutor as he was very calm and explained math well.”
“He has managed to pull his Algebra 2 grade from a C+ first quarter grade to an 88 semester grade (I think that is a B+) by making essentially all A’s since he got the tutor.”
“She started with an ACT of 27 and ended at a 34. We are so happy with the test prep.”
“The ISEE prep was helpful in boosting my son’s math score from a 3 to a 7. He was well below the average because his elementary school didn’t focus enough on the basic fundamentals that is why we wanted to go to another school.”
“The tutor was great – really helped him understand how to work through and think through the questions.”
“The AP Physics session went really well! It helped a ton. Thank you!”
“She has received her test scores and we are pleased with her results! Her old scores were 690 on both sections. Very happy to report her new scores are: 760 English 730 Math. Thank you for the services you provided, it was definitely beneficial.”
“I wanted to let you know about the ACT tutor this weekend — said he thought he was the best tutor as he was very calm and explained math well.”
“He has managed to pull his Algebra 2 grade from a C+ first quarter grade to an 88 semester grade (I think that is a B+) by making essentially all A’s since he got the tutor.”
“She started with an ACT of 27 and ended at a 34. We are so happy with the test prep.”
“The ISEE prep was helpful in boosting my son’s math score from a 3 to a 7. He was well below the average because his elementary school didn’t focus enough on the basic fundamentals that is why we wanted to go to another school.”
“The tutor was great – really helped him understand how to work through and think through the questions.”
“The AP Physics session went really well! It helped a ton. Thank you!”