Jina Jeon/Chronicle
Spring Break-Down: Tree Planting Community Service
Although we should all do our part to keep the planet clean throughout the year, spring is an exceptionally great time to pursue environmental projects. With Earth Day just around the corner, participating in nature conservation events such as tree planting, community garden weeding and park clean-ups would make a great addition to anyone’s spring break plans. A quick online search can help you find volunteer organizations that offer service activities that include working with community gardens and local cleanup groups. Volunteering at an environmental conservation organization can help individuals get in touch with nature while also providing a sense of purpose in making our communities cleaner and healthier.
In my experience, working at these volunteer events has introduced me to wonderful new communities. For example, I formed relationships with fellow high school students and retired elderly volunteers alike while weeding in the Rio de Los Angeles State Park. As we worked, I listened to new acquaintances sharing pieces of their personal lives and explaining why they volunteer to help the planet.
For those interested in volunteering, I recommend reaching out to Tree People, which organizes Saturday morning park cleanups and gardening events. The organization’s next tree planting events are at 8:30 a.m. on March 24 in Commerce, California and at 8:30 a.m. on March 26 in Watts, California. Volunteers of all ages can sign up on their website by providing personal information and signing a waiver. Walk-in volunteers are also welcome, and Tree People accepts donations on their website and allows people to dedicate a tree to a loved one for those who are unable to volunteer in person but are looking to get involved. These are just a few of the various opportunities Tree People offers, so I strongly suggest taking the time to look into them and get in touch with our planet during spring break.