Students peruse course offerings at Academic Fair

Jack Hartmeier ’22 converses with a student, explaining the elements of the post-AP Chinese course at the Academic Fair. Credit: Will Sherwood/Chronicle

Ella Yadegar

The annual Academic Fair took place on the Quad during Community Flex Time on March 8. Sophomores and juniors visited a variety of booths correlated to various courses and electives where they discussed course information with teachers and seniors who have taken the class.

Lily Stambouli ’24 said the information she recieved at the Academic Fair was beneficial to her course selection process because she was able to hear students’ perspectives on varying course workload.

“I found it really helpful to speak to people who knew what the classes consisted of and could provide useful information,” Stambouli said. “Unconventional Leadership seemed really fun because the seniors and juniors who were working the booth seemed really excited about the class. I also really enjoyed speaking to the English teachers and seeing the books that I would get to read for the [Advanced Placement (AP)]  Literature classes.”

Idalis McZeal ’23 said she considered the rigor and content of each class as she spoke with teachers. “Something that I learned last year is that you can’t  [take all] hard classes because then you’re not going to like [your schedule] at all,” McZeal said. “The [Academic Fair] helped me narrow down my idea of my schedule for next year.”

At her event booth, Science Teacher Chelsea Stewart discussed her Human Anatomy and Physiology class with prospective students. Stewart said the course offers unique laboratory experiments that current students find both useful to understanding the material and engaging.

“We do a rabbit dissection,” Stewart said. “Since we’re looking at the anatomy, what better way to learn about it than to actually see it? It is pretty cool to skin the rabbit of its fur and then dive deeper inside.”

Annabelle Mass ’24 said she is interested in enrolling in Stewart’s class because she wants to study biology or a similar science in college.

“I’ve always had a strong interest in how the human body functions,” Mass said. “I want to learn about why organs are shaped the way they are. I think the balance provided from doing research projects, doing labs and watching surgeries will make the class very exciting.”