A large majority of seniors skipped classes and went to the beach for Senior Ditch Day on May 15. Those who did not attend school had their off-campus privileges revoked for the rest of the school year. According to Attendance Coordinator Gabriel Preciado, 84% of the senior class did not attend school on that Wednesday.
Head of Upper School Beth Slattery said some teachers were unhappy with the absence of students on ditch day.
“[The teachers] feel like it devalues what’s happening in their classrooms,” Slattery said. “That’s the way that they that some teachers feel with absences and tardies. I think [the Coachella policy] sent a bad message to our teachers that we were favoring [the student’s] rights to do whatever [they] want over the boundary, so I think we needed to start having there be repercussions and losing senior privileges.”
Nuzzy Sykes ’24 said although seniors were punished for skipping class, they still collectively enjoyed the opportunity to be together.
“I think ditch day was well worth the repercussions, and the school shouldn’t try to dissuade the students from having it,” Sykes said. “The night before I had a group of friends over [at] my house for the night, and then on ditch day, nearly the entire senior grade went to the beach together.”
Boaz Maydew ’24 said he enjoyed participating in ditch day and taking part in a widespread senior tradition near the end of high school.
“Senior Ditch Day is a tradition amongst high schools across the country,” Maydew said. “It is a testament to the fact that after 12 years of hard work in school, seniors get to pick a day just to break the rules, let loose and have some fun with your friends for one of the last times we are all together.”
Aidan Deshong ’24 said the day was a way for the senior class to cherish the last moments they had with each other.
“This is the last week we all get to be together, and I don’t think it’s bad to spend our common periods together with the grade,” Deshong said. “Since we’re in LA, we went to the beach. Lots of people brought frisbees [and] Spikeball sets. I spent a lot of time playing those kinds of games with friends.”