A panel of experts spoke on issues surrounding rape, sexual assault and sexual abuse during break today in Ahmanson.
The panel was organized by Trishta Dordi ’15 as part of a series of events leading up to Denim Day April 23. Presenters included Harriet Kerr from the UCLA Rape Treatment Center in Santa Monica, representatives from the South Asian Helpline and Referral Agency and Angela Parker from the Jenesse Center for domestic violence intervention.
“I thought the sexual assault panel was very informative and interesting,” Astrid Garay ’15 said. “Not a lot of many people who experience sexual assault know how to receive help and this presentation brought not only an awareness about the severity of the issue but an outlet for those who ever need assistance in the future.”
A self-defense class will also be held after school in Chalmers.
“I really think it was a good turnout and really informed people on how prevalent sexual abuse really is and how difficult it is for victims to come out, whether its due to social, mental, or financial barriers,” Dordi said. “Victims often feel like they are to blame, and that is an essential problem that needs to be fixed.”