Maggie Burrows ’06 directed a PSA in collaboration with the organization When We All Vote, whose co-chair Michelle Obama commissioned the announcement Oct. 3. The PSA highlighted youth from various backgrounds to highlight the importance of respecting individual voices and taking the time to register to vote.
When We All Vote is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to bringing awareness to the importance of each individual’s vote. Other co-chairs include public figures such as Tom Hanks, Lin-Manuel Miranda and Chris Paul.
Human Rights Watch club leader Catherine Crouch ’19, who worked with Our First Vote on its vote registration drive Oct. 5, said that the PSA reflected a growing movement to engage young people in voting.
“I really like the message of respecting young voters,” Crouch said. “People think that young voters and people who are just starting to be eligible to register to vote are ignorant to the issues in the world and uninformed, while in actuality we care so much and are just not old enough to vote yet. We should respect everyone’s opinion because you are able to be an informed member of society regardless of how old you are.”