Whether it’s renovation or repair, there is construction all around us. We have changes on campus and right outside on Coldwater. The Chronicle is no exception.
We have made design and content changes that we hope you appreciate. Although the changes may not be apparent to all of our readers, we have tried to make our paper more reader-friendly and professional.
We are also in the process of redesigning our website with the help of Web Manager Lillian Contreras. Our website is still up and running, and we will continue to update it regularly.
Even though we have moved toward instant, online news, the Chronicle’s integrity and accuracy will not be sacrificed. Our goal is still to seek and report the truth every day. We don’t do this for us; we do it for you. We want you to pick up and read the Chronicle.
If you don’t regularly read our publication, tell us why and tell us how we can improve. It’s our job to relay the news and it’s your job to critique it.
We have one of the largest staffs in the history of our newspaper, and we hope our size will provide you with wider and more frequent coverage in print and at chronicle.hw.com. Our goal is to make the website your day-to-day source for campus and sports news.
We are hoping to get your feedback online through comments on the website or via email. We encourage you to email chronicle@hw.com with any suggestions or questions.
— Judd Liebman ’12 and Lara Sokoloff ’12, Editors-in-Chief