Upper school students will gather in the gym during 20-minute-long breaks on the first and third Wednesdays of each month as a new form of community building, Assistant to the Head of Upper School and...
Students and faculty played ice breaker games and participated in discussions from current events topics to upperclassmen giving advice and tips to underclassmen in the first Civitalks meetings today.
Contrary to what the five tests you have this week might lead you to believe, the year is winding down, and fast. It’s the season of assessment (and promposals and Assassin 3.0) — AP exams, finals...
The Character Education Committee chose 10 posters as winners in a competition held in Civitalks groups Oct. 9 that asked participants to draw representations of what has colored their school experiences,...
Sophomores, juniors and seniors will meet in small groups between fourth and fifth periods tomorrow as part of the Civitalks program. The Upper School will follow Schedule D in student planners, as stated...