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The Student News Site of Harvard-Westlake School

The Harvard-Westlake Chronicle

The Student News Site of Harvard-Westlake School

The Harvard-Westlake Chronicle

The Student News Site of Harvard-Westlake School

The Harvard-Westlake Chronicle

Seniors play games on the beach on the annual Senior Ditch Day.

Senior class punished with off-campus lunch restrictions after Ditch Day

Celine Wang, Layout Assistant and Staff Writer
May 30, 2024

A large majority of seniors skipped classes and went to the beach for Senior Ditch Day on May 15. Those who did not attend school had their off-campus privileges revoked for the rest of the school year....

229 seniors gathered at Will Rodgers State Beach on May 12 instead of attending classes at the Upper School. The large-scale ditch day caused controversy because the administration previously allowed seniors to skip school for Coachella in mid-April.

Seniors gather at the beach for ditch day

Olivia Phillips
May 28, 2023

Seniors organized a ditch day to skip classes and go to Will Rogers State Beach on May 12. Two hundred twenty-nine out of 291 seniors had unexcused absences May 12, about 78.7 % of the class. Head of...

When nothing actually is something

May 25, 2011

By Jordan Freisleben I hate blank pages. In fact, I abhor them. Post-AP life is great, to say the least. I’ve been going out to long lunches with friends and I get to catch up on some much needed...

Ferris Bueller’s Day Off: combination of Coachella, Senior Ditch Day contributes to record low attendance

Sophie Haber
April 30, 2017

One-hundred-twenty students missed school after Coachella on April 17, exceeding the number of absences in recent history. Upper School Attendance Coordinator Gabriel Preciado said this year’s absences...

Attendance drops due to ‘ditch day’ and Coachella

Angela Chon
April 14, 2015

Fifty-two percent of scheduled senior classes were missed yesterday as a result of absences for college visits, the March of the Living Holocaust awareness trip, the Coachella Music Valley Festival and...

Opting out of cyberspace

May 26, 2009

By Julie Barzilay Senior Ditch Day, numerous Prom limousines and Peer Support sleepovers have all been planned and organized via “Groups” and “Event” pages on this year. ...

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The Student News Site of Harvard-Westlake School
ditch day