A cast of 53 students will perform in 'Hairspray!' in Rugby Auditorium, Nov. 8-10. The show will be directed by upper school performing arts department head Rees Pugh and performing arts teacher Michele...
On the first day of rehearsal, performing arts department head Rees Pugh waited for silence before addressing the 50-person cast of “Hairspray,” this year’s fall musical.
“I hope that this show...
When the performing arts faculty discusses what show they want for the fall musical each year, they try to choose a show with a large cast, a large musical value and lots of roles for girls.
A cast of 55 performed the musical “Hairspray” in Rugby Auditorium Nov. 8-10. The show, set in the 1960s, follows the struggle for integration and civil rights in Baltimore through dancers on a fictional...
The bookstore began to sell tickets Monday for the upper school fall musical “Hairspray,” which will run from Nov. 8-10. Actors, cast, and crew have been able to pre-order tickets since Oct. 8, with...