The Kutler Center is celebrating its 10th anniversary this month. Founded in September 2012 and named after the late Brendan Kutler ’10, the center houses the school’s Department of Interdisciplinary...
By Jack Goldfisher
The Kutler Center for Interdisciplinary Studies was officially dedicated after school Friday, and the Kutler family cut the building's ribbon in a ceremony featuring speeches from...
By Daniel Rothberg
By January 2012, the new independent research and interdisciplinary studies department should be operational if plans go as hoped, Director of Upper School Master Planning John Feulner...
By Lara Sokoloff
Six classes for the Kutler Center for Interdisciplinary Studies were approved by the Faculty Academic Committee at a meeting on Nov. 15.
Videogame design will be taught by math teacher...
By Alex Gura
For those of you who don’t know, the library will be under construction next year as the new Kutler Center, named after the late Brendan Kutler ’10 who excelled in the...
Jon and Sara Kutler's lead gift, combined with donations made in memory of their son, Brendan Kutler '10, who died in his sleep in December, will fund the creation of the Kutler Center for Independent...