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The Student News Site of Harvard-Westlake School

The Harvard-Westlake Chronicle

The Student News Site of Harvard-Westlake School

The Harvard-Westlake Chronicle

The Student News Site of Harvard-Westlake School

The Harvard-Westlake Chronicle

There are places I remember

Michael Rothberg
May 29, 2013

I have come to associate landmarks and sites in my life with memories, and having spent three years on the Studio City campus of Harvard-Westlake, I have become particularly fond of a few spots on campus. Some...

Card Duels

Claire Goldsmith
May 29, 2013

Sean Kiley ’14 spends his weekends dueling with dragons, mermaids and demons. His allies vary from cupcake princesses to phantom lupine helicopters, and he suffers immense damage but never gives up. A...

Weissenbach reaches NCAA nationals

Aaron Lyons
May 29, 2013

Former Wolverine track star Amy Weissenbach ’12 qualified for NCAA Outdoor Nationals in the 800 meter race and was part of the Stanford 4x400 team that also qualified. In the 800, she qualified fifth...

You are special

Aaron Lyons
May 29, 2013

For most of my Harvard-Westlake career, my life to a large extent, revolved around school. The sports I played were on Harvard-Westlake teams, my friends were almost strictly from Harvard-Westlake and...

Next year to start with all-school convocation

Julia Aizuss
May 29, 2013

Both upper and middle school students will gather on the Ted Slavin Field on the first day of the 2013-2014 school year for an all-school convocation and the investiture of new President of Harvard-Westlake...

Construction planned for Taper

Jack Goldfisher
May 29, 2013

The sports medicine room on the lower floor of Taper Gymnasium will be completely redesigned during summer break. Construction on the project will start in early 2014, Head of Campus Operations J.D. De...

Sophomores train for Peer Support

Jessica Spitz
May 29, 2013

Nearly 30 sophomores will learn to counsel other students as Peer Support trainees next year, school psychologist Luba Bek announced today in an email to all applicants. Bek, along with fellow adviser...

Fifth STEMfest showcases student projects, class assignments in science fields

Nikta Mansouri
May 29, 2013

As a demonstration of hydroelectric engineering at the annual “STEMfest,” a Tesla representative drove into the quad while students and teachers surrounded it on May 20 during activities period. Students...

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The Student News Site of Harvard-Westlake School
May 2013