Wildfires blazed across California, torching over 2.1 million acres of land in 2020 alone. The year's hurricane season consisted of 30 named hurricanes, greater than any year in history. Global sea levels...
Vaccines are undeniably important for the health and economic stability of society. However, it is also important for members of the public to do their due diligence before receiving any kind of medical...
With hundreds of thousands affected by COVID-19, scientists are working to quickly develop a safe vaccine for the public. This expedited timeline for the vaccine has left many people within the United...
For over 30 days, Tailor Gutierrez, a contact representative for the International Revenue Service, worked without pay, struggling to support herself financially without her daily income.
In 1978, the Supreme Court ruled in Regents of University of California v. Bakke that using race as a part of the admission decisions was conditional but that strict racial quotas violated the 14th Amendment.