Athletic program officially resumes seasons

Sandra Koretz

Golfers Alexa Sen ’22, Marine Degryse ’22 and Chronicle Assistant Sports Editor Maxine Zuriff ’22 all get ready to putt at their first practice since the reopening of athletics. Girls golf holds practices at Weddington Golf and Tennis and will have its first match against Marlborough on March 22.

Maxine Zuriff

Head of Athletics Terry Barnum announced the reopening of sports on campus and specified the guidelines all athletes must follow in an email Feb. 23.

In the email, Barnum attached a COVID-19 testing consent form that students and parents will have to fill out so that they can be tested when necessary. Concentric by Ginkgo and Mend Urgent Care partnered with the school to provide these PCR tests on campus. 

The football, water polo, soccer and lacrosse programs require their athletes to get a PCR test weekly because of the athletes’ close contact while playing and practicing. Sports teams that require less contact between players do not have to get PCR tested as frequently.

Lacrosse player Owen Hudgins ’21 said he isn’t concerned about getting tested every week in order to play on campus. For him, COVID-19 testing is a minor inconvenience, and he said he is appreciative of this opportunity.

“It was awesome to receive that email from Barnum, and I wasn’t annoyed or upset that we would have to get COVID-19 tested every week in order to play,” Hudgins said. “I was more really focused on the idea of playing with my team and [the idea that] the work I put in [over] the past four years wasn’t for nothing.”

Girls tennis player Taylor Chanaratsopon ’23 said she thinks the tennis restrictions are appropriate and that she  is looking forward to getting back on the court.

“The rules are fair and help everyone stay safe during COVID-19,” Chanratsopon said. “I am really excited to play with the HW team again and get closer with my teammates as the season progresses. This is my first year on varsity, and I will take every opportunity I can to practice with the teammates.”

Football had its first game  March 12, which they won 20-19. Additionally, boys water polo is undefeated within their league, and many other sports have started back up with their competitive seasons.

Boys tennis player Jordan Assil ’22 said he’s thrilled to be back in action.

“Every day that I get to go to practice, I am very thankful to be doing the thing I love,” Assil said. “Getting back on the court is the best thing that happened to me this year.”

Assil said he doesn’t think the COVID-19 restrictions will affect his team.

“My team is taking the saftey precautions very seriously, so I don’t think it will be a problem,” Assil said.

Girls golf player Kimberly Wang ’21, who received the news in February that golf would restart, said she is grateful that she can join her teammates on the course once again.

“This being my final year I get to play on the HW girls golf team, all I wanted to do was get back on the course,” Wang said. “Having missed our fall season due to COVID-19, I was skeptical I would even play this year. After hearing that our season would start back up again, I was so thankful that I would get an opportunity to play one last season with my team.”