Prefect Council and Community Council partnered to host a Field Day on Nov. 25. The event featured food trucks, dessert stands and grade-based competitions such as lettuce-eating, an inflatable obstacle course and Rubik’s Cube-solving.
Junior Prefect Caroline Cosgrove ’26 said Prefect Council increased the number of food options this year.
“I was really hoping to create a unifying school event like last year’s Field Day,” Cosgrove said. “My favorite part of the field day was definitely the ice cream truck and the taco truck. I thought those were really great additions to the Field Day.”
Upper School Math teacher Joshua Helston, who competed in the Rubik’s Cube event, said competing for the teachers in the relay race was memorable, and he enjoyed seeing other students showcasing their talents
“It felt awesome to be competing next to students and hearing the crowd cheering us on,” Helston said. “I was very excited when [Upper School Math Teacher Laffite Lamberto-Egan] was able to get us a slight lead after eating the lettuce. However, Charles [Abemayor ’26], who was immediately to my left, blew us all out of the water. I couldn’t help but watch his skill out of the corner of my eye. I guess I will have to practice for next year if I might be invited back.”
Quinn Hamilton ’26, who participated in the inflatable obstacle course race, said winning in the event, which allowed the juniors to come first in the relay race, made the day all the more memorable.
“Field Day is a special event that magically makes people happier because they are happy for a break from a normal day, so I’ve noticed people tend to be more fun,” Hamilton said. “I felt gratified at the end of the course because I won, and I’m a fan of winning, especially if it involves teamwork.”
Helston said partaking in the event allowed him to engage with students and colleagues in a less formal setting.
“I decided to participate in Field Day to represent the faculty as best as I could against our amazing student body in the relay race,” Helston said. “Field Day is a great opportunity to mingle with faculty, which I do not see often while we are on the daily grind, and also to interact with students outside of the classroom. I know my students pretty well as students, but seeing them run the bounce house, eat a head of lettuce or just cheer on their peers helps me to relate to them better outside the classroom.”
Miki D’Admo ’26 said she enjoyed having the opportunity to relax and bond with friends to destress.
“Field day was a much needed change in routine for the school day and had really good food,” D’Admo said. “I’m looking forward to having this event next year too because I liked having the time off with my friends after a long week of tests before break.”