Following the mass destruction of Hurricane Harvey, Brooke Kawana ’18 sent 100 water filters to the residents of Bevil Oaks, Texas, who were left without access to drinking water.
For the water from their sinks, hoses and wells to be safe for consumption, it must be boiled. Due to the fact that many citizens’ stoves were destroyed, Kawana said that the filters were vital.
Kawana sent the filters through the Clean Water Ambassadors Foundation, a non-profit organization that provides water filters to those without clean drinking water.
Through CWAF, Kawana was put into contact with Dr. Lisa Newell, a veterinarian who travelled to Texas to aid sick and injured animals. Newell dropped the filters off at Disaster Aid USA, who gave them to a local fire department.
Hardin County EMS Allen Ogle said that the citizens were grateful for the filters and touched by Kawana’s gesture.
“It made me feel good knowing that such a simple action as sending some water filters to people in need, could have such a huge impact on someone’s life,” Kawana said.