The two seniors who won the Michael Brownstein ’99 Memorial Gap Year Fellowship plan to travel to Korea, Canada, India and Costa Rica before they enter college in the fall of 2014.
David Lim ’13 and...
Two students’ scientific research won semifinalist recognition in the 2012 Siemens Competition in Math, Science and Technology on Oct. 19.
David Lim ’13, Kenneth Kim ’13 and teammate Alex Wong of...
Even before co-education began on both campuses, the staff of the first Chronicle came together to put out their first issue in May 1991.
"We would like to welcome our readers to the first issue of The...
Columbine. Virginia Tech. Sandy Hook. 27 people, including 20 children, died last Friday, shot at point blank in their classrooms at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn.
We will grieve as a...
By Luke Holthouse and David Lim
Friday night's football game against Sylmar was delayed to 7:30 p.m. due to power outages on the Upper School campus, Athletic Director Vince Orlando said.
A transformer...
The administration has imposed two changes on the Honor Board system this year in what new Head of School Audrius Barzdukas said was an effort to promote transparency.
The Honor Board will continue to...
About one-third of Upper School students signed up to participate in a school-wide Secret Santa gift exchange initiated by Prefect Council Nov. 14, HW Santa app creator Austin Chan ’13 said.
“We felt...
Dr. Daniel Siegel gave a presentation to a joint faculty meeting Oct. 16 about the neuroscience behind learning.
The two-hour after school presentation, titled "The Impact of Education on Development of...
In his final First General Meeting of the Parents’ Association, President Thomas C. Hudnut reflected on his life, from his experiences as a young student to this past summer watching his son play water...