The documentary “Harvard-Westlake High,” created and produced by Líto Knight ’14 in his senior year at the school, was screened in Ahmanson Lecture Hall on Dec. 9. The documentary consists of...
It is June 2020. In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, Peter Jones ’74 and a group of his former classmates join together on a Zoom call. Almost 50 years after graduating, the men begin to reminisce...
The Upper School English department screened Spike Lee’s film documentary "When the Levees Broke" on Zoom May 8.
The event served as contextual material for Jesmyn Ward’s novel "Salvage the Bones,"...
“[The film] moved me in ways I didn’t expect it to. It really speaks to the power of friendship and what it means to be there for someone while they are healing.” - Jasmine Wang '21
Photography I students logged onto Skype Friday to learn about documentary photography from Montreal-based photographer Tema Stauffer.
“It’s always beneficial for students to get a fresh perspective...
Documentary filmmaker Martha Wheelock will be filming Advanced Dance I students this week to include in her latest film, a biopic on the life and influence of women’s suffragist Inez Milholland in the...
Human Rights Watch Student Task Force hosted a screening of “He Named Me Malala”, the story of the youngest Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Malala Yousafzai, Nov. 16 in Ahmanson Lecture Hall.
The documentary...
“E-Team,” a documentary about Human Rights Watch Emergencies Director Peter Bouckaert and his team filming war crimes in Syria and Libya, was screened on campus April 15 was followed by a question...
Eight films made by students who went on the Rwanda trip last year premiered at the Pan African Film Festival Los Angeles Feb. 8 at Rave Cinemas 15 Baldwin Hills Crenshaw Plaza.
The festivalset aside...
The Environmental Club will screen the Netflix Documentary "Mission Blue" in the Ahmanson lecture hall Jan 16.
The documentary follows the work of internationally-recognized oceanographer, marine biologist...
The administration approved a second trip called Media Arts Collaboration: Cuba, which will take place from March 28 to April 5, two months after the digital storytelling trip to Cuba in January.
Led by...