The Korean American Parents Association (KAPA) hosted an event for sophomore families to commemorate Korean Heritage Night, an annual celebration at Dodger Stadium dedicated to spreading Korean culture...
After her class read “The Madonnas of Echo Park,” which follows the stories of several Mexican-Americans who struggle to hold on to their ethnic identity as their neighborhoods change, English teacher...
After shortstop Brian Ginsberg ’14 flipped the ball to second basemen Alex Horowitz ’13 to record the final out of the seventh inning, the baseball team’s yearlong journey had finally concluded....
Three runs in the top of the first inning Tuesday night were enough to give the baseball team a legitimate shot at something that has eluded the program up until now: a CIF championship.
The Wolverines...
By Camille Shooshani
Left-handed pitcher Max Fried's '12 3-0 complete game against Ventura County today launched the Wolverines to the second round of CIF playoffs. The team will play again tomorrow.