Kennedy Green’s ’14 Gold Award marked the pinnacle of her 10-year Girl Scout career and effectively ended it.
"That’s as far as you can go," Green said. "After the Gold Award, your Girl Scout career...
By Chelsea Khakshouri
With her large stack of hotel room keys as proof of her constant travels, debate team captain Michelle Choi ’12 has placed in numerous national and international debate...
By Sade Tavangarian
With five minutes to spare before their first round, Jake Sonnenberg ’11 and Ben Sprung-Keyser ’11 relax and can only think about one thing: taking the gold. As...
By Sade Tavangarian
At 13-years-old, Cameron Cohen ’16 has already successfully created an iPhone application, and donated most of the proceeds from the application to the University of California,...
Jonathan Martin, better known as "Moose," has entered the national stage as the left tackle for the Stanford Cardinal. An Honorable Mention All Pac-10 selection as a redshirt freshman last year, the 6’6",...