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The Student News Site of Harvard-Westlake School

The Harvard-Westlake Chronicle

The Student News Site of Harvard-Westlake School

The Harvard-Westlake Chronicle

The Student News Site of Harvard-Westlake School

The Harvard-Westlake Chronicle

Dartt honored for computer program

September 1, 2010

By Saj Sri-Kumar Upper school science teacher Chris Dartt received the Kogan Family Award for Innovation in Teaching for his work designing a computerized planning calendar for upper school faculty. The...

Speaker advocates alternative fuel source

November 6, 2007

By Lucy Jackson Russ Evans, owner of a bio-diesel fueled car, spoke to students about fuel and energy conservation on Oct. 8 during activities period. He discussed methods of conservation and...

Medical student shares experience with students

Chronicle Staff
May 25, 2010

By Michelle Yousefzadeh Lauren Wolchok, the daughter of middle school science teacher Sandra Wolchok, spoke to upper school students last Wednesday about her experiences as an undergraduate at Harvard...

Mock trial places 7th at state meet

April 25, 2007

By Alex CohenThe upper school Mock Trial Team won three out of its four matches at the state competition, losing to Stockdale High School 256 to 257 the weekend of March 23. They placed seventh in state.“The...

Alum is artist-in-residence at University of Notre Dam

December 17, 2008

By Anna Etra Daniel Schlosberg ’96 is now the artist-in-residence as a pianist at the University of Notre Dame, where he also teaches studio piano. "[Notre Dame is] a wonderful university and it...

12 faculty members to tour China during spring break

November 11, 2008

 By Sammy Roth Twelve faculty members will travel to China during spring break, where they will tour and study in order to increase awareness of Chinese culture and history at Harvard-Westlake, Director...

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The Student News Site of Harvard-Westlake School
school science teacher