Simon Lee ’23 and Yoshimi Kimura ’23 were voted as Head Prefects for the 2022-2023 school year, according to a March 24 email from current Head Prefects Jade Stanford '22 and Executive Editor Quincey...
After the school held a series of elections and runoffs throughout the past month, freshmen, sophomores and juniors selected the Prefect Council for the 2021-2022 school year.
For Head Prefects, students...
In 1914, Saint Saviour’s Chapel was constructed on the corner of Western Avenue and Venice Boulevard at Harvard School for Boys. Twenty-three years later, it was taken down and moved to Studio...
Members of the Junior Classical League won first place at the Open Certamen at their first Southern California Regional Amici Madness convention at Woodbridge High School on Dec. 1.
Students participated...
As United Airlines Flight 175 crashed into the south tower of the World Trade Center, History Teacher Sandra Brasda hunched in front of a clunky monitor in her first-period typing class. Her computer barely...
“Supermodel Minority,” a film about Asian American experiences, premiered at the Ahmanson Theatre on May 27. Chronicle staff writer and project director Fallon Dern ’23 and photographer Kaelyn Choi'...