The Student News Site of Harvard-Westlake School

The Harvard-Westlake Chronicle

The Student News Site of Harvard-Westlake School

The Harvard-Westlake Chronicle

The Student News Site of Harvard-Westlake School

The Harvard-Westlake Chronicle

Summer school sights stars

Even before students started investigating LA, they had brushes with fame
Colin Ho
Summer journalism student Vivienne Kremser Marlborough ’30 poses with “seat fillers” in the Dolby Theater on a tour.

When you attend summer school at Harvard-Westlake in Studio City, star sightings are a common occurrence. San Francisco 49ers running back Christian McCaffrey was training on the track at Ted Slavin Field at lunchtime on Monday, June 17. 

The 2024 Summer Journalism class is in session for three weeks from 9 a.m. to 12:35 p.m. HW Media teachers Billy Montgomery and Jen Bladen, with teaching assistant Colin Ho HW ’26, run the class for 12 students from Larchmont Charter, St. Mark’s School of Texas, Marlborough School, and both the middle and upper schools of Harvard-Westlake.

But even before the students started investigating Los Angeles, they already had brushes with fame. 

“One of my biggest flexes is that in elementary school we had a buddy system and in second grade I was paired up with Sadie Sandler,” Maddy Wynholds HW ’28 said. Sandler, whose dad is actor-comedian Adam Sandler, was in fifth grade at the time and is now an actress, known for “Pixels” (2015), “Hotel Transylvania” (2012) and “Bedtime Stories” (2008).

According to (2016), Los Angeles is home to approximately 640,500 entertainment industry jobs, among them being movie and TV stars, musicians, models and influencers. This industry contributes $158.3 billion to the economy of Los Angeles annually.

“Oh my God, you know who I saw at Erewhon yesterday?” Ho said. “Yung Gravy.”

Yung Gravy is an American rapper and singer-songwriter who made his debut in 2018 with “1 Thot 2 Thot Red Thot Blue Thot.” He’s been photographed at the Sportsmen’s Lodge Erewhon frequently by Harvard-Westlake students. 

Many celebrities are parents at Los Angeles schools. Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck send their children to Carlthorp where Vivienne Kremser Marlborough ’30 and Lila Minx HW ’30 just graduated.

“At our sixth grade graduation, JLo danced with us the whole time,” Kremser said. “The party was at Ben Affleck’s house,” Minx said. 


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About the Contributor
Colin Ho
Colin Ho, Sophomore Editor
Colin Ho ’26 is the Sophomore Editor of the Chronicle. In his free time, Ho said he likes to sing, listen to music and go out with friends. Ho said he also enjoys going out to nature and trying new restaurants with his family. Ho said he joined the media program because he wanted to become a better writer. “I joined media because I was interested in learning more about journalism and how it works because I have been intrigued by journalism since middle school,” Ho said. “I wanted to learn about how to interview people and talk to people I don’t know because I think that’s a really important skill to have.” Ho said he is most excited to work in different sections and at layout. “This year, I am looking forward to being able to get more involved and writing more articles, as well as expanding my range and trying to write articles in different sections, such as A&E or Opinion,” Ho said. “I am also looking forward to layout because I think it’s a great opportunity to bond with the other people on The Chronicle.”

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