Spring musical premieres online

Natalie Cosgrove

(left to right): Quinn Callaghan ’21, Walt Schoen ’21, and Staff Writer Lucas Cohen-D’Arbeloff ’23 perform in the school play.

The spring musical, “All the Livelong Day,” premiered on Vimeo on April 24. The musical is an original work created by composer Stephen Schwartz. The performance explores individual pandemic experiences and getting in touch with one’s identity through song and dance. Director Tom Klebba conceived the idea for the performance and Head of Playwrights Festival Aaron Martin produced it.

Performers came up with various ideas to overcome the limitations of performing virtually. Billy Johnson ’22 said that he was initially worried about this challenge, but then began to enjoy the task.

“It was really fun trying to navigate the different problems that would come up,” Johnson said. “Trying to engineer a way to get my green screen up between my bunk bed and closet was like a creative puzzle that was great to see come together in the final product.”

Quinn Callaghan ’22 said he has been doing musicals since 7th grade, and being online was largely different than normal. He said that during the musical, the cast members were required to fill various roles than they had before.

“We weren’t just acting or performing, we were setting it up and being our own cameraman, so there was a lot more of a technical aspect to it,” Callaghan said. “It was a little disappointing because you don’t get the thrill of opening night and being on stage and performing, but it was still pretty cool to actually be in the audience and on stage at the same time.”

Although the entire production was created virtually, the cast was able to meet one time in-person at school to celebrate the ending of the filming of the show. . Maddie Boudov ’21 said there were some difficulties with rehearsals due to not being able to sing as a collective on Zoom, but it ended up being satisfying to see the end result nonetheless.

“We all had to learn to become around cinematographers and set up green screens and tripods and ring lights so that all of our shots could look professional once we sent them to our amazing editor Hannah Beavers who put the whole project together,” Boudov said. “It sometimes felt like more of a film set than a live musical and it was a very different experience for me from a regular musical.”