School holds Jazz Combo Concert

Printed with permission of Chris Sullivan

Jazz Band musicians perform side-by-side in the Jazz Combo Concert.

Student musicians performed selections in small groups at the Jazz Combo Concert in Rugby Theater on Feb. 26 and 27. The combos, drawn from Jazz Band, Studio Jazz Band and Jazz Ensemble, each played their own songs after instruction by Director Chris Sullivan and Combos Coach Matthew Yeakley.

Selections included “Black Nile” by Wayne Shorter and “Spain” by Chick Corea. Studio Jazz Band player Simon Lee ’23 said his personal favorite performances at the concert were “Butterfly” by Herbie Hancock and “Autumn in New York” by Vernon Duke.

Lee said although the event took place on a smaller scale, it remained engaging and managed to impress audiences.

“I think it was a pretty high energy event,” Lee said. “There weren’t as many people as the big band one back in December, but still, there was a pretty big audience, and people were pretty excited to be there.”

Studio Jazz Band player Asha Haley ’23 said she was satisfied after playing a difficult musical moment correctly during the concert.

“My favorite part was in ‘Seven Steps to Heaven,’” Haley said. “I had this bass [part] that I kept getting wrong in the rehearsals, and then in the actual show, I got it right coming out of the drum solo. I was very proud and relieved because I thought that I wouldn’t.”

Studio Jazz Band player Dillon Ring ’24 said the work of both students and mentors fostered excellence during rehearsals and performances.

“Everyone did such a great job and put in a lot of time preparing,” Ring said. “I think I speak for the whole jazz program when I say that we couldn’t possibly have done it without the tremendous help of [Sullivan and Yeakley], and we’re super thankful for them.”

Ring said after the concert, he is now excited to take part in additional opportunities within the jazz program.

“I personally cannot wait for the jazz trip over Spring Break, and am looking forward to all the amazing things [Sullivan] has planned for the [school] jazz program going forward,” Ring said.