Jewish Club celebrates Purim

Ella Yadegar/Chronicle

Members of the Jewish Club gather hamantaschen for students participating in the fundraiser.

Members of the Jewish Club handed out baked goods on the Quad in celebration of Purim on Thursday. The club offered hamantaschen, pastries symbolic of the story of Purim, as well as party horns.

Purim is a Jewish holiday commemorating the survival of the Jews under the Persian Dynasty and their escape from persecution.

Jewish Club Leader Charlotte Newman ’24 said she felt it was important for the club to connect with students over the celebration of Purim.

“I think [these events] strengthen the community,” Newman said. “Especially because I had to ask a lot of people to bake hamantaschen for the club, it became something that a lot of people were excited for. We wanted to let people know about the fun aspects of Judaism.”

Kyra Goldstein ’23 said she appreciated the festivities because of the opportunity to spread awareness about Jewish culture to the student body.

“I really enjoyed the leaders giving out hamantaschen on the Quad, as it was a great way to celebrate Purim,” Goldstein said. “Jewish holidays don’t always get enough attention at school, and I think it’s important to celebrate these holidays as a Jewish community.”

During lunch, the club hosted a rabbi from Studio City Valley Friendship Circle, a Jewish organization that provides educational and religious services to children and adults. The rabbi read the story of Purim in Hebrew from religious scrolls and instructed club members in following the four commandments of the holiday.

Ariel Meron ’24 said he enjoyed the celebrations because it was the first time this school year that the Jewish Club celebrated on campus together.

“It was definitely different to have rabbis on campus reading to the club in Hebrew,” Meron said. “We don’t have a lot of Jewish holidays [at school], so the entire event was pretty fun to experience.”