Averie Perrin, Editor-in-Chief

Advancing Asian Leaders
In honor of Asian Pacific American Heritage Month 2023, students and faculty analyze Asian leadership in the school community.

Wolverine Cult-ure
Students and faculty reflect on the reputation, dynamic and traditions of various student groups, clubs and sports on campus.

“Nepo-approved nepo-baby academy”
Students evaluate the culture of nepotism at school in view of Vulture’s December 2022 “The Year of the Nepo Baby” series.

Lessons in Representation
During Black History Month, students and faculty discuss the importance of highlighting the Black experience in the school curriculum.

Homecoming 2: Judgement Day
Students and faculty talk about pressures surrounding Homecoming formal and their opinions on the Homecoming “ask culture.”

Summer “Break”
Students and faculty discuss the extent to which the pressures of résumé-building impact the way they spend their summers.