By Claire Goldsmith
The Spectrum won Best of Show for junior high newspapers at the National Scholastic Press Association’s Spring Convention that eight members of its staff attended April 12-15...
The Chronicle won the Gold Crown, the highest award given by the Columbia Scholastic Press Association, a program of the Graduate School of Journalism at Columbia University.The award, honoring the 2006-2007...
Three of the school's publications were given Crown Awards at at ceremony Friday March 16 in the Low Library on the campus of Columbia University in New York.
The Columbia Scholastic Press Association...
The Chronicle staff won three awards Saturday, Nov. 19 at the National Scholastic Press Association convention in Minneapolis.
Big Red won eighth Best of Show in the Special Edition Category,...
For the sixth time in seven years, The Chronicle was named the best high school newspaper in California by the California Newspaper Publishers Association.
The Better Newpapers Contest is judged by professional...