Community Council hosted an all-school event during Conference Time on Friday to celebrate over 4,000 student donations during its November Thanksgiving Drive. The event featured free pizza for students...
Andrea Yagher '20 and the Our First Vote Organization held their second annual voter registration drive Oct. 5. Last year one hundred and fifty students registered to vote.
"In just a few short...
Students and faculty members donated blood to the UCLA Blood and Platelet Center Nov. 14.
The event was the first of two blood drives this year on the upper school campus. In order to donate, students...
The Community Council sponsored the first Harvard-Westlake Sports Drive, collecting used sports equipment to donate to the Los Angeles Boys & Girls Club.
Community Council planned to incorporate community...
One hundred and fifty students registered to vote at the voter registration drive sponsored by Our First Vote on March 16.
Andrea Yagher ’20 created the organization as a peer-to-peer nonprofit to amplify...