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The Student News Site of Harvard-Westlake School

The Harvard-Westlake Chronicle

The Student News Site of Harvard-Westlake School

The Harvard-Westlake Chronicle

The Student News Site of Harvard-Westlake School

The Harvard-Westlake Chronicle

Computer science class constructs alternate realities

October 21, 2011

By Daniel Kim Chalmers 304 during eighth period is a class unlike any other class at Harvard-Westlake. The students are spread throughout the room working individually on their own laptops for most of...

Seniors step in for cinema studies teacher

March 18, 2008

By Reina Factor The customary pranks played on unsuspecting substitute teachers would not work on these Cinema Studies substitutes.  They had taken time out of their own class schedule to...

7th grade representatives elected

November 15, 2007

By Julie Barzilay After two runoffs, the class of 2013 elected Maddie Lear, Megan Ward, Luke Holthouse and Sam Wolk as their seventh grade student government representatives. Elections were held...

Executive movie producer speaks to Video Art class

May 24, 2011

By Allison Hamburger The executive producer of the upcoming comedy "Beware the Gonzo" told the eighth period Video Art II class April 29 that the best stories come from personal experiences. Jenny Fritz...

Community Council raises over $4,000 to benefit victims of Haiti earthquake

February 10, 2010

  By Kelly Ohriner Community Council held bake sales to raise money to donate to those affected by the earthquake in Haiti during midterms week in January. All the money raised has been donated to...

Don’t vote blindly

Chronicle Staff
December 14, 2010

By Austin Block Most of us probably agree that our government is pretty important. Like most reasonable people, we recognize that an organization that takes our money, uses it to offer public services,...

Cooking school

February 11, 2010

By Jean Park Biology teacher Walt Werner’s eighth period class was looking forward to winter break. The past couple weeks had been a whirlwind stretch looking at ecology, evolution, and the food...

Princes of Persia, Israel leave campus for lunch

Chronicle Staff
December 12, 2007

By Ariane Lange and Carly Radist Attendance Coordinator J. Gabriel Preciado is on a hunt to capture an elusive joker and possible truant known to him as “The Prince of Persia.” Someone...

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The Student News Site of Harvard-Westlake School
eighth period