"Smile" is one of 2022's most popular horror film's whose successful blending of genres has allowed the movie to reach wider audiences. The film, released Sept. 30, was incredibly successful at the box...
Don’t Worry Darling is filled with drama, intrigue, mystery, and speculation— and aside from that, of course, there’s the actual movie. The lead-up to the premiere of the movie was tumultuous, with...
I look forward to evenings when I can spend some time alone, curled up in bed and scrolling through Netflix in search of a mindless distraction from the stress of school. On one such night, I happened...
Starring the most viewed TikTokers in the world and their parents, season one of Hulu’s “The D’Amelio Show” is a mishmash of reality TV tropes and attempted lessons. It is half “Keeping Up with...
Described as “The Comedy of the Year” by The Independent, HBO Max's satirical comedy-drama,"The White Lotus," masterfully captures complex characters in a binge-worthy format. Throughout the airing...
‘The Mittle-man on Campus’ is a satirical column centered around high school clichés and the teenage experience. None of the articles in this column are representative of the opinions of The Chronicle...
Nicki Minaj surprised her fans (known as the Barbs) with the re-release of her 2009 mixtape “Beam Me Up Scotty” May 14. The 23-song project has a one hour, 17 minute runtime and combines old hits...
Flashes of a medical bracelet. A deep voice narrates how “sometimes you can love somebody or something so much that people will think you’re crazy.” A teen gets out of a medical hospital while newscasters...
As Jessi enters the water to swim at summer camp, her pad sucks up all of the water in the lake and turns into a destructive monstrosity. To make matters worse, all of the cool girls at camp chime in to...
After watching an embarrassing number of viral TikToks centered around the new—and highly controversial—Netflix film, “Tall Girl,” we were confused about the phrase “men’s size 13 Nike’s”...